Boring Insane Object Show, or just BIOS, is a comic I decided to start making one day at like 2pm. As of uh right now I've decided it's weekly. It releases on saturdays now.

I'm hosting it in only 1 location as of right now. You can read it for free in any/all of these places, so just pick your preferred reading experience.

  • Read it on tapas (recommended)
  • pros: best reading experience on mobile or desktop, you might get chapters early, lossless
  • cons: no voting link (you have to return here to vote), you need to scroll down till you reach the embedded google poll. don't load this site on a school/work computer it contains a keyword that your principal/boss won't be happy about.


This was the best online reader I could find for the way I've formatted BIOS. And it's great! But it's a little mature.

If you're reading on mobile, you'll just have to download the tapas app and scroll down using your hand or finger.

If you're on PC, you're gonna have to scroll down using your mouse.

Tapas is a really fun site to host my object webcomics on. I get to earn this very supportive virtual currency called "Ink Blobs". And they're really helpful to support my projects.


There's a mighty wide variety list of characters in BIOS. Here they are! (Click on a character to review them)


Have A go at some of Google's Crazy Games!





Have a go at one of Google's insane crazy Quests and Challenges!

Check the official forums!

Made With Brizy